Wednesday, June 8, 2011

No "Lost" Experience, Just a Simple Flight

Alistair Cooke once said, "New York is the biggest collection of villages in the world."

After arriving in New York, I realized that is very much true. Many people talk about the city life, and how glamorous it is (and I'm almost sure that it is), but I haven't been to that part yet. Currently, I'm in Long Island, and there is a lot of trees and houses. It seems like a simple suburban area, and I was shocked to see that. I think that is why Cooke said what he did. Otherwise, he may have had another meaning for it (perhaps the diversity of culture), but New York is definitely not the big buildings, insane taxi drivers, and "City that never sleeps" attitude everywhere. I believe that just as everywhere else, they have their quiet areas, and they might even have a country-side. When I was on the plane, I was speaking to the girl that sat next to me, and she told me that she lives in Long Island, and she goes surfing quite a bit. I don't know about you, but whenever I think of surfing, I think about Hawaii or Florida, so imagine my surprise when a New Yorker tells me she likes to surf here in New York! Well, that just shows the diverse areas of this great state, and I hope to get to know it soon enough.

I must admit, Tuesday, June 7, 2011 was a pretty interesting morning at my house. We rushed around and made sure I was ready. Then, we got to Dallas Love-Field Airport, and I immediately found out that all my parents, my brother-in-law, and my sister could do was drop me off and then leave. After I unload my things, I'm alone until I get to New York. This was an interesting feeling for me, because I had never traveled alone on a plane. Fortunately, I got through everything okay, and I boarded the plane. We stopped at Little Rock, AR, and from there, we got to Baltimore, MD, and I got out there. I waited for a two hours, grabbed some Panda Express for lunch, and then I was on my way to the place which has been sung about, made movies about, tv shows, and so much more. It was on that flight that I met that girl. Her name was Leanna, and I found her to be a really nice person (Mind you, I only thought of her as a nice person - nothing more). I had perhaps the most enlightening conversation with her. We spoke about art, philosophy, religions, and spiritual things. I find it refreshing whenever I can have a conversation like that with a person. I got a chance to share the Gospel with her, and I really hope that makes an impact in her life for the glory of God.

I step out of the plane, and I get my luggage. I stand outside waiting for Biju Achen who arrived just as I did, and we loaded all my bags into his car, exchanged a handshake (overjoyed to see each other) and left the airport. We drove to his parsonage, and as we were driving, I experienced a different side of New York. Granted, this is Long Island and not the city, but it was still more peaceful than I imagined it to be. Biju Achen brought his two-year-old son Jeevan with him. I must admit, I think that is one of the most cutest kids I know. I have been debating whether or not I want kids (because frankly, they can be a pain in the butt), but I can tell I like this kid. He doesn't cry too much, and he loves to socialize with people. If I can have children like that, then I'll be happy.

My first evening and morning are coming to an end in New York. As the afternoon and evening approaches, I will be busier, as there is a Bible Study here at the parsonage. I'm very excited to see what God has in store for me, but I also feel slight nervousness. All I know is, I can take comfort at the words that He gave Joshua and believe that those words are for me as well.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."
-Joshua 1:9 (NIV) 

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