Saturday, June 11, 2011

Going from 3 to 30

D.L. Moody once said, "Church attendance is as vital to a disciple as a transfusion of rich, healthy blood to a sick man."

As you may have inferred, I am a big fan of D.L. Moody. He is definitely one person that inspires me. You know, coming from Dallas to New York where there are many more churches and many more youths, I did expect a larger turnout for Bible Study, but at the church I was at yesterday, I saw the same number I would at our church for Bible Study. (My title may have been slightly exaggerated in saying that there is only three people at Bible Studies. Yes, there is more.) I really wonder what makes the attendance for Bible Study lower than a concert or if a youth group wanted to go see a sports team. People would flock to it. I believe I received my answer today. More on this later.

Friday, June 10, 2011, I spoke at the Bible Study. It was a quick ten to fifteen minute spiel (not that fast, but I find this word to be amusing, so I thought I would use it). I spoke about Philippians 3:12-14. It is a passage I have long found intriguing. I am a big fan of Paul's writings, because there are two different types of truths applied to it: Temporal Truth or Universal Truth. Temporal truth is what is needed during the time and context of his writing. Universal truth is what applies then, applies now, and will apply in the future. I found these verses interesting, because prior to these verses, we see him boasting about his earthly knowledge and his stature as a Pharisee (back when he was known as Saul). Then, to experience Christ, and to come to that point of repentance changed him so much that he ended up considering all the knowledge and status as rubbish. How powerful is that?! Everything that he knew he found it to be a waste. We tend to think about our brains, and how smart we are, and all the knowledge that we have. Yet, it becomes such a part of us that we rely on it too much. Here Paul lets all that go. He lets go of his past as well. Paul had made some seriously terrible mistakes in his life. He had so many regrets, but he realizes that Christ's grace is more than sufficient in saving him from those regrets and sins. Even though he believes this, he acknowledges that he is not perfect. We may think that Paul was an almost perfect (if not perfect) man, but he will be the first to say that he isn't. He knows he has let go of his past, but he also knows that he will sin in the future. That's the belief that we should walk in. That doesn't mean we deliberately sin, but when we do sin, we repent of our sins, so that our Savior may forgive us. What his duty was, and what our duty is, is to strive toward what is ahead. We must push ourselves to the brink, so that we may become Christlike. That doesn't mean we become Christ, but rather a spitting image of him.

Now, let me go into today's events, and you will see why I feel that my question about poor attendance has been answered. Today, Biju Achen dropped me off at Long Island Mar Thoma Church where there was a Regional One Day Conference. Yep, I was in the midst of ladies, but no worries, they were all way older aunties, and I definitely knew off the bat that I wasn't going to find my future Kochamma here (Just kidding. Hehehe.) I sat and listened, taking notes of the main talk. Afterwards, I met all the Achens, and then we had lunch. I met a guy there today. He's an older youth, and he had some surprising insight that just baffled me. He told me that the Mar Thoma Church has two main flaws that must be addressed in order for the church to flourish. Flaw one: The Achens must use their talents at the pulpit to the fullest ability. Whenever Achens speak, many of them do not captivate the congregation, and their sermons do not engage the congregation. For example, Billy Graham is the greatest evangelist of our time. Hundreds of thousands of people would go to hear him speak. Why? Because he knew how to engage the audience. That is what many Achens lack today. If this can be solved, then all the other excuses will go into the garbage, and churches would be packed. Flaw two part A: People that shouldn't take leadership do. Flaw two part B: People that should take leadership don't. In order for a church to be utilized to its full capabilities, the church must have strong, solid leadership, and that is lacking in many of the churches. These were some of the things my new friend shared with me today. I definitely do agree with him though.

Just as my message said, our churches must also forget the past and move forward with strong leadership and make the ride worthwhile here in this earth.

"Not that I have already obtained this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind, and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. "
-Philippians 3:12-14 (NIV) 

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