Therefore, I would like to take this time to wish my father, and all the fathers out there a Happy Father's Day! It's great that America has days to honor Mothers, Fathers, and Grandparents. They really are important in our lives. They mold us into an integral part of society rather than detrimental to it. They love us so much that they will accept us even if we mess up, and they will stay by our side when all our friends back away. My parents really played a big role in my life, and because of their faith, I didn't go chasing after all the worldly pleasures (not to say that I'm perfect or ever will be).
I have been in awe of how God has been leading me. There HAS to be some divine intervention in my life. There is no possible way I can be living when I am running around everywhere, and being super busy. Friday, as I mentioned in my previous blog, we went to Envision 2011. I didn't get to spend too much time there, but the time I was there was really influential. There were four women (African American and Hispanic) environmental activists, and they were conducting a panel. The reason I emphasize their race and gender is because from their cultural background, they had so much insight to share about the capitalistic society and the environmental struggles that America is facing. I was literally blown away by them! Not because they were women or of other races, but because they really opened my eyes to the world at large.
Friday, June 17, 2011 was very busy. We were in the city, and after this conference, we went to lunch at this Japanese restaurant which is really small, and by sheer luck, we stumbled on it. I must admit, I really liked the food there. I had a sushi craving for a while now, and that really satisfied it. After this, Biju Achen had something that he needed to take care of. While he was doing that, I went to the New York Public Library which was nearby, and I sat down and began to prepare my sermon for that night at Long Island MTC YF's Bible Study. I began scribbling away, and I managed to write up a sermon right before they closed. That was all God, because I wouldn't have been able to come up with the words I did, if He didn't guide my thoughts. After this, we take the long journey home. Actually, it's really not that long, but traffic is a pain! I realized the people in the city can be a little sour, but it is justified when they have to spend a huge chunk of their day in traffic. In the midst of all this, there was rain and hail (for a few minutes), and it made the roads flood a little bit. There was even a point in the street where a pipe must have busted, because there was water gushing in the middle of the street. It seemed like a fountain, and I found that funny. Due to being stuck in traffic for two hours, I barely made it in time for Long Island's Bible Study. Biju Achen didn't come, but we arrived back at the parsonage in time for me to be picked up for it. By the time I got there, the Praise and Worship had finished, and they were onto Intercessory Prayer. I found this part of their Bible Study super awesome. What happened was there was this teddy bear, and we threw it to each other, and we were to respond to the question, "What is a lie that the devil tells you?" Then, we had corporate prayer, and we all prayed together. After this, I spoke about Matthew 7:13-14 which is about the Narrow and Wide Gates. After the Bible Study, I met many people in the Long Island youth group. They are some awesome youths, and I know God is doing great things through them. I've gotten to have a few one on one conversations with some of them, and they really just inspire me, and they "warm my heart" (Inside joke).
Saturday, June 18, 2011, we woke up at around 6:00 AM, and we got ready and everything. First, we went to the St. Thomas Tournament, and I really found that tournament interesting. It was a lot smaller than they usually do, and it was much more different and simple than what I'm used to in Dallas. After this, we went to a baptism at St. Andrew's Mar Thoma Church. While I was there, I got to reunite with a few of my Mexico Mission buddies. I got to see Roy, Rena, Jaison John and Christina and their family. It was just a blessed opportunity. Then, we went to a Long Island wedding which Biju Achen officiated. Prior to this, I hadn't been to a Mar Thoma wedding in so long, so I was excited for this. I think the bride saw me a couple of times, and she had this curious look on her face, because I wasn't someone she knew. I was a wedding crasher! Finally, we went to a prayer meeting at the residence of a member's of St. John's. They happened to be related to Dennis Abraham. As I'm typing this post, Dennis Abraham and Alex Kolath are in India being ordained as Deacons of the Mar Thoma Church. My prayers are with them at this monumental time in their life, and that God blesses their ministry to be impacting on everyone they come across. Upon arriving at home, I had a sermon to prepare for Sunday. In this day alone, I saw three of the seven Holy Sacraments (Baptism, Chrismation, and Holy Matrimony), and Sunday there's two more (Confession and Holy Communion), so I have two more to go.
Sunday, June 19, 2011, We worshiped at St. James Mar Thoma Church. I assisted and I gave the sermon. I wasn't aware I was to assist until Mathew Varghese Achen told me at the last minute that he wants me in there. I was overjoyed because I had wanted to assist after coming here. I preached on the second lesson for today which was Ephesians 2:11-22. I was telling them how Christ was the bridge that bridged the gap between us and God. I really felt the Holy Spirit move within me, and I'm sure the prayers of a new friend of mine really helped me. After this, I also preached at their youth meeting for a short while on the same thing that I said at Long Island. Then, after spending a little bit of time at the parsonage, we went to a Long Island prayer meeting. I have to admit, Long Island has been so welcoming to me. From the parents to the youths, I really feel welcome in this church. Not to say these other churches haven't welcomed me. It's just I've been involved in more Long Island activities.
I may be repetitive by saying how busy I am, and I apologize for that. I must admit though, nothing compares to this. As tiring as it may be, and as pressuring as it may be, it has really been worth it. Two weeks have passed me so quickly. I hope the rest of this trip doesn't end so quickly. It has been a rewarding experience.
"For he himself is our peace, who has made the two one and destroyed the barrier, the dividing wall of hostility, by abolishing in his flesh the law with its commandments and regulations. His purpose was to create in himself one new man out of the two, thus making peace, and in this body to reconcile both of them to God through the cross, by which he put to death their hostility. He came and preached peace to you who were far away and peace to those who were near. For through him we both have access to the Father by one Spirit."
-Ephesians 2:14-18 (NIV)
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