I started thinking about this song, and I wondered if friendships really can last forever. I guess the answer is in the second part of that line where it says, "...if the Lord's the Lord of them." God has to have priority and and lordship over the friendship or even a relationship for it to work. I realized, I met a lot of people here in New York, and I made some good friends. The question is, will I be able to maintain contact with them and build on that friendship? Throughout my life, I have also lost a few friends along the way. When I look back and examine my friendships, I realize there were friendships that really built me up in Christ and then there were those casual acquaintances that I later realized our friendship wasn't built on the Solid Rock. I know for sure the folks that I have become really good friends here with I'll keep in touch with them because they have been a big part of my training, and it's not just about us but rather our friendship has a solid foundation on Christ. I thank God for that.
To my readers, I really do apologize for not posting for more than a week now. I really should try to make the time for it, but sometimes, I just get caught up in the active and busy life of an Achen, and I'm not even one yet. One thing is for sure, there may be people that go through practical training and quit, but for me personally, I realize I just can't quit. I don't want to. A friend of mine who was in the Navy and then spent time as a cop told me that being a cop can be addicting. Even though there are no guarantees of coming home or always chasing and catching, this can be addictive for them. For me, I feel that way with the ministry. My belief is, if Christ came to save the lost, so who are we not to accept them? Then I ask, "If I accept them, shouldn't I help them understand Christ's love for them?"
Friday, June 24, 2011, I went to the Aramana, and I helped out there. It was a lot of stuff, but it was the stuff I usually do. I worked on a few PowerPoints, some Word Documents, and I didn't get to the Excel spreadsheet. I feel like I came in at the proper time, so I could take care of some of these things that they needed me to do. I must say, I have a lot of respect for K.E. Geevarghese Achen as well as Saji Chayan. Geevarghese Achen is the Secretary Achen, and Saji Chayan is the office aide who has been working there for nine years. They hear so many things about the Mar Thoma Church, and it saddens me about some of the complaints that come there. Yet, they work tirelessly for the church, and they do so without grumbling.
Saturday, June 25, 2011 and Sunday, June 26, 2011, I spent it at Staten Island with Baby John Achen. I was picked up by a friend on Saturday morning, and he took me to their teachers' meeting, and we were there for a while. We had breakfast and lunch at that house. Lunch was only because Achen's family and myself stayed there that long. After the teachers' meeting, I was asked something by Achen that I had never been asked before. Can I preach in Malayalam? I literally dropped my jaw. I've never preached in Malayalam, but yet I still said yes. He also told me to assist in the next day's Malayalam Holy Qurbana. That evening, we went to one of their prayer meeting, and I preached in Malayalam and English (largely English even though there were only a few kids). It was about love and how none of our "Spiritual" acts matter if we don't have love, based on I Corinthians 13:1-3. Then, I go back and I prepare for Sunday's sermon. I also incorporated Malayalam into that as well, but it was once again mostly English. I also assisted in the Malayalam Holy Qurbana. Then, right after church and lunch, we went to a Yuvajana Sakhyam meeting for which I didn't prepare a sermon for, so I ended up thinking of some stuff based on Jeremiah as well. That was almost all Malayalam. The reason I mention these things is not for me to brag, but to say how great my God has been leading me during my training. It's been such an awesome experience, and as the days go by, I get more and more sad about having to leave my training. Also, Baby John Achen was really kind enough to give me some constructive criticism to really help my ministry. Kochamma was awesome. She and I had a deep talk about different things, and she gave me a lot of really good advice. One thing she told me that stuck out to me was how we are similar to gems in the raw. We must be brushed by God so much that the luster really shines forth. She really helped me examine why I wanted to be an Achen as well. She asked me why I wanted to be an Achen, and why I didn't think about being a missionary or a social worker. I had to do some seriously hard thinking, but I was able to realize just exactly what God was telling me and give her that response. On the drive back to Biju Achen's parsonage, I had four Staten Island guys bring me back. I had a lot of fun with those guys. They were hilarious, had some deep insight, and really saw me as one of the guys. Sometimes, that's the most important thing. I know I'm going to be an Achen, but why should that stop me from being a typical guy?
Monday, June 27 and Tuesday, June 28, 2011, I was at the Aramana helping them again. Thirumeni has been travelling this whole time. He went from Seattle to Vancouver to Calgary, and then to Edmonton for Family Conference. We got a lot done this day as well. They are some really funny guys. I have a good laugh with them. It's good to know there are Achens and uncles out there that can have a good sense of humor.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011 was a crazy day. Biju Achen and family left to Canada for the Family Conference, and so I'm currently staying with a couple of my friends. Tomorrow, I will be staying with another friend. I've been blessed with guys I know that I can stay with, and they won't have a problem with it. That's how much they are considerate of me. I went with my friends to take Binu Achen (the Achen of Long Island MTC) and his family to the Newark, NJ airport. It was a far drive in a van with no AC, and two boys that acted like typical brothers, and not to mention the traffic here. I really felt like I was in India, but I enjoyed it. It was fun. In the night, we went to go catch Transformers 3: Dark of the Moon. It was a 10:45 PM showing of it in IMAX 3D, and I really enjoyed it. It was an awesome movie! I mean, this really made up for the second one! There were nice cars in there, Rosie Huntington-Whiteley almost made up for no Megan Fox (Yes, I did google her name! You know who you are), and the robots were impeccable. It was a movie worth watching at the theaters. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2 is a movie worth watching at the movies as well, but not worth it to catch the midnight screening. There's a lot of really good movies coming out. I'm excited for Captain America! He was also one of my favorite superheroes along with Batman when I was a kid, and even to this day.
Thursday, June 30, 2011, I went to the aramana to help Saji Chayan file some documents. Currently, I'm just chilling. My friends' parents have their anniversary and their dad's birthday was yesterday, so we have a small surprise get together here for them. We might also go bowling late night. This late night hanging out stuff is fun! In Dallas, I'm curfewed, and in Denton, I have no one to do this with. There is a certain friend of mine who refuses to do anything while he is in Denton.
I think I covered all of my week's major events. Everything continues by the grace of God.
"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother."
-Proverbs 18:24 (NIV)