Sunday, September 16, 2012

Living like Christ or like a Pharisee?

John McClintock, a Methodist Theologian and a great preacher, orator, teacher, and a scholar who intellectually contributed to Methodism unlike anyone else once said, "The pharisees are not all dead yet, and are not all Jews." 
Also, Jeremy Taylor, an author who was sometimes known as the "Shakespeare of Divines" once said, "The pharisees minded what God spoke, but not what He intended. They were busy in the outward work of the hand, but incurious of the affections and choice of the heart. So God was served in the letter, they did not much inquire into His purpose; and therefore they were curious to wash their hands, but cared not to purify their hearts."

I was initially thinking about posting this on Facebook instead of in my blog. Then, I thought that it would be better if it is on my blog, and I can write as much as I want.

I know that it has been a while since I've posted on my blog, and largely, it's been because of laziness or various struggles that I went through. No worries, I'm back! :) I've had a lot of opinions about a lot of things lately, even about the political world with the elections and such, but I'm going to focus on a huge tragedy that has been unfolding this past week.

As many if not all of you have heard, many Muslim nations have been rising up in protest against the United States within this past week. Also, the United States Ambassador to Libya J. Christopher Stevens was assassinated in Libya this past week. The reason that these nations use to justify these actions is because of a film that was released that shamed Islam, and insulted Muslims.

First and foremost, I will state that no matter what, their reason does not justify such harsh actions that they have taken against the United States, ESPECIALLY in killing Ambassador Stevens. It is very harsh, and they should know that the voice of the few should not speak for the rest of us, and it should not result in innocent people being killed.

With that being said though, I think we must also look at it from their viewpoint. We live in the United States where freedom of religion is a huge thing, but the adverse side of it is, we can poke fun at religions, and people have been so desensitized by it that we deem it okay. Over there, they have been used to things being censored that speak out against Islam, but this fell through the cracks, so to say. Nonetheless, it's unbelievable that someone would make such a film. This film portrays the Prophet Muhammad as a homosexual and is very offensive to the Islamic community. First of all, to even portray the Prophet Muhammad is considered blasphemous, and the way that film referred to him was just downright wrong. I may not be a Muslim, but I know how important it is that we respect all religions and ways of life. The man who made the movie and the man that is the face of promoting this movie are people that are intolerant, and throughout history, these people have really had a skewed vision of humanity. Whether it be the time of slavery or hatred towards the African American community or Hitler and Nazi Germany's hatred of Jews, homosexuals, and other minorities, these people have this superior mentality, and so they will do what they can to belittle others. This behavior is intolerable and unacceptable. We shouldn't be insulting other religions, and the man who is "credited" for directing this movie is identified as Nakoula Basseley Nakoula. He is a self-proclaimed Coptic Christian. Majority of the film was shot in the offices of Media for Christ, a charity that raises money to "glow Jesus' light to the world."

Please tell me how this is glowing Jesus' light to the world. When I read the Bible, I see a Jesus who loves everyone, not condemns them. I believe in a loving God, but I also believe that loving God is also a just God. How is this justice? Many people say that we should bring others to Christ, but then we slam the Bible in their face. This has given so many people a bad taste of what Christianity is, so they go far away from Christ, instead of coming to Him. Actions like this film continues to support people's view that Christianity is a hateful religion. In fact, someone that has supported this film is Pastor Terry Jones, a Pentecostal Pastor located in Florida who was intent on burning Qurans back in April of 2011. Explain to me how this is showing Christ's love.

There is a passage in the Bible that I really find very interesting and shows Christ's nature. It's John 8:1-11. In this passage, an adulteress is brought before Jesus by the pharisees. The pharisees ask him what they should do to her, since the law says to stone her. Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but it takes two to tango. Besides the point, what does Jesus do? He stoops down, and He begins writing on the ground with His finger. After the pharisees keep questioning Him, Jesus stands up and says one of the best lines I've ever heard. "If any one of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." Then, He goes back to writing on the ground. Now, we don't really know what He was writing on the ground, but eventually all the pharisees leave, because they realize their sins. Then, after they leave, Jesus stands up again, and He asks another one of the best lines I've ever heard. "'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' 'No one, sir,' she said. 'Then neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. 'Go now and leave your life of sin.'" Can you believe it? The ONE man who is without sin didn't stone her; He told her to go home and leave her life of sin! Then, how much more should we be understanding of other people when we are sinful just like them? Then, how can we condemn people because they have a different faith than us?

I think we as Christians really need to examine ourselves. As Christians, we are called to be like Christ, but it seems like Christians are being more like the pharisees more than we are being like Christ. During Christ's ministry on earth, He didn't condemn anyone except for the pharisees, because they felt they were superior to others, and they liked to condemn people for their flaws, but they never looked at their own flaws which were many. I will stress a point that I've made time and time again. Sins are equal in the eyes of God, so we cannot bash other people. Before we pick up a stone, we should examine ourselves and see if we are without sin, because I can assuredly tell you that we are with sin. Christ forgave us though by His love and sacrifice, so that is how we are to portray Christianity.

I'll leave with a song. I heard this song recently, and it's been stuck in my head since. The song is called, "The Proof of Your Love" by For King & Country. Check it out here: For King and Country - The Proof of Your Love.

"If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone."
-Romans 12:18 (NIV 1984)

"Do not overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good."
-Romans 12:21 (NIV 1984)

"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give all I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the flames, but have not love, I gain nothing." 
-I Corinthians 13:1-3 (NIV 1984)

Saturday, June 9, 2012

Mutuality Between One Another

As a Diocesan initiative, Theodosius Thirumeni had instructed Rev. Joseph Johhny from St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church, New York to have various people create devotionals for each day. He sought me out last month, and he told me to make one. Mine was sent out a few days ago. Below, you will see my devotional.

The Mar Thoma Church
Diocese of North America & Europe
Christian Education Forum
Daily Meditations

Word for the Day – June 4th

Mutuality between One Another

John 13:34-35

“By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.”
-John 13:35

Love as a Command, not a Suggestion
Mother Teresa once said, “The hunger for love is much more difficult to remove than the hunger for bread.” We all yearn to be loved. Being loved is an intricate value of humanity. To go around not feeling loved is like walking in the desert without water. Christ understood that, and that is why His love was not simply to the teachers of the law or those of wealth and stature. Christ extended His love to those that were not loved. He loved the tax collectors, the prostitutes, and the thief on the cross. That is why in this passage we see Christ giving this commandment. He is not requesting or suggesting, but He is commanding His disciples and us to love one another.

Love should be Embedded Within Us
In verse 35, Jesus points out how we are to be identified as His disciples. It is by loving one another, but that does not simply mean our friends, family, and those near to us. It means loving those that are less fortunate, those that are discriminated against, and those that are hurting. Can we truly love like Jesus loved? In an individualistic society, we are taught to think about ourselves and to rise to the top, but Christ teaches us something different. He teaches us to not worry about our own selves, but to be there for others. In the thirty three years that He was on this earth, He modeled true love for us. As believers, love should be embedded within us, so much so that we can even love those who hate us.
We have been bought with the precious love of Christ. His death and resurrection was not meant to save a select few, but it was freely given for the whole world. Therefore, it is our duty to go out into the world and love one another. We are to be the hands and feet that bring souls to Christ. Therefore, let us take this commandment of Christ into our heart and show others that we are His disciples by loving one another.
Prayer: Lord Jesus, You have commanded us to love one another, so that all men may know we are Your disciples. Please enable us to walk in Your steps and carry out Your commandment to the ends of the earth. All these things we ask in Your precious name. Amen.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

God, Marriage, Country

John Calvin a reformer in his own right once said, "Whatever a person may be like, we must still love them because we love God."

Recently, I've been wondering to myself if the Christians of today model the Pharisees of old rather than the Early Church. The reason I ask myself this is because of how we as Christians exemplify love to others. We have a select group of people that we model our love to, and we have conditions for our love, but Christ said to love like He loved. This is by far my most controversial post yet. I try to stay away from topics like this, but I've been experiencing a lot of personal growth, and I feel that it is my duty to post this.

First and foremost, let me begin by stating that my personal view of marriage is that it is between a man and a woman. Based on my personal beliefs, opinions, and my spiritual convictions, I cannot support gay marriage, but I ask that you read on.

About a year ago, I was doing my practical training. (Can you believe it? This blog is almost a year old!) Towards the latter end of my stay in New York, I attended a Junior Senior Conference in New Jersey. During the rec time of the conference, two of my friends and I decided to go to one of their houses. On the drive, we engaged in some conversation regarding controversial/political debate. We argued the topic of gay marriage. At that time, I was strictly against gay marriage. He told me something that really resonated with me.

Then, this past Spring semester, I took three counseling classes for my major. One of which I had a homosexual instructor whom I had great respect for, and he played a huge role in getting me to think about the LGBT community. Then, I made a bunch of friends in those classes that were also homosexual, but they were some awesome friends. They had a deep personal desire to counsel others, and they had grown so much from the pain they had suffered, and they wished to use that to help others. The instructor that I had was in seminary before he dropped out, and then he came out, and now he is a licensed counselor. One of the things he said in class really hit close to home for me. I am paraphrasing what he said, despite your personal viewpoints, as counselors model your life like Jesus Christ who loved and sat with the sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. Bam. When I heard that, I sat back in my chair, and I felt my whole head just twirl, because I began to realize that as a Christian believer, I was not loving the way Christ did.

In today's time and age, there are quite a few people that are homosexual. As Christians, we have taken it upon ourselves to seemingly wage a war against homosexuals. Christians condemn them and make it seem like Christians are not sinners, or that being gay is a worse sin than any other sin. Let me be the first to tell you if you have not heard this yet. In God's eyes, EVERY sin is equal. It doesn't matter if you killed a person, or if you shoplifted. It doesn't matter if you lusted after a married woman and committed adultery with her in your heart or if you were a rapist. These are ALL sins, and God hates all of them. He doesn't say that He will accept some of these sins because they are less severe than others. The only reason that you and I are accepted in His sight is because His sinless Son took our place of punishment. Then, how is it that Christians condemn those that identify as homosexuals?

Does this mean that we should allow homosexuals to get married? Well, let's take a look at some hard facts.

Many people profess that this is a "Christian" nation, so that is why gay marriage should not be allowed. Actually, this country is no longer a Christian nation. We may have been founded on Christian principles, but let me be honest with you, I do not think this is a Christian nation any longer. This was what my friend pointed out to me in our car ride that resonated with me. First of all, this nation is so diverse, and there are people with so many various viewpoints that our government cannot run simply on religion alone. Second of all, so many people do so many things that are wrong, so then where is the Christ-likeness that we profess to have? No, I don't believe this country is a Christian country. I believe this is a secular nation founded on Christian morals and principles, and we have long forgotten them.

Another argument that is used is the Bible. Now, that is a great place to look for an argument. Yes, the Bible does speak against homosexuality, but to apply it in a nation that is largely secular cannot happen. We don't look to the Bible to solve the economical problems, nor do we look to the Bible on how to take care of the environment. Believe it or not, these are all in the Bible, but we don't look to the Bible for that, so then how can you look to the Bible for this one topic. You are doing God a great injustice, and you're lying to yourself.

Lastly, many people say that the sanctity of marriage is between a man and a woman which is what the Bible states, and which is what I agree with. BUT, take a look at how people view marriage today. Divorce is at an all-time high. One in two marriages end in divorce. That's 50%! Is that preserving the sanctity of marriage? How about when Hollywood celebrities jump in and out of marriage like it's a fad? Is that preserving the sanctity of marriage. I'm sorry, but heterosexual couples have defiled the sanctity of marriage, so to say that the homosexual community is ruining the sanctity of marriage is a lie, because it's already been ruined by heterosexuals. Now, to those that are living a long, happy, married life without divorce, I wish you all the best, and way to work hard in preserving the sanctity of marriage in your lives. I only pray that your children see, learn, and grow in that way.

Outside of the Bible, is there a legitimate reason that gay marriage should not be allowed? It would seem not. Whether they be Democrats or Republicans, both parties exploit this topic of gay marriage for their own selfish gains. Democrats are for it, so as to gain the LGBT community's votes, not because they genuinely care for them. Republicans are against it, and they use the Bible as a perverse way to get their way and the votes of the Christian community. I believe the politicians are what drove a wedge in between these two communities.

As I mentioned before, based on my personal convictions, and my desire to live my life according to the Bible, I cannot support gay marriage, but I'm just one man. Statistics show that the public opinion about gay marriage has changed drastically. Now, there are a lot more people that support it, gay or straight. If there was a way to appease both groups, then that would be ideal. Perhaps, allow them to enter into a civil union. I don't know, but this is how I see it. If the nation's people are more and more for it, then there is no choice. Eventually, I believe that gays will be allowed to marry all over the nation. In any case, don't pervert the Bible and simply use it to attack the homosexual community.

When you take a look at Christ's ministry, what did He do while He officially conducted His ministry for approximately three to three and a half years? He ate with sinners, tax collectors, and prostitutes. He went into the house of Zacchaeus. He allowed a prostitute to pour perfume on His legs and wipe it with her hair. He forgave the thief on the cross. He hung out with twelve guys that had their own issues. Yet, He still loved them. Does that mean He changed His viewpoints? Not at all! Take a look at Matthew 5, and read how He provides even more detail to the Ten Commandments. That was Christ's ministry. That is how we are supposed to be. We should be loving everyone with Christ's love, while keeping our principles.

To summarize, don't condemn or hate those that identify as homosexual. Love them! They are humans too! If we can come to a middle ground on the topic of gay marriage, then hooray! If we can't, then think to yourselves. In a country where we don't even allow prayer in schools, should we use the Bible as a measuring rod for this topic alone? If we can't use the Bible as a way to govern this country for everything, then we shouldn't use it at all. Find a common middle ground. Otherwise, enable them to marry. Why not? It'll happen eventually. Make it sooner than later, and stop wasting all this time on arguing.

On a personal note, to all that reads this, please know that I love you as Christ loves me and expects me to love others. It doesn't matter to me what sins you have, because I have my fair share. The only thing is, Christ is asking you to repent and turn to Him. Let Him come into your heart. He is the only One that can satisfy the missing piece in your heart, the hurt, and whatever else that is going on in your life.

I leave you with one instance of Christ's ministry that many seemingly overlook. When I was young, for some really weird reason or another, this passage stood out to me more than most of the common ones. It's John 8:1-11. In this passage, you see the Pharisees throwing a woman in front of Jesus and telling Him that she is an adulteress, and that based on the laws of Moses, she should be stoned to death. (Interesting on how the man she slept with isn't being held accountable, isn't it?) Christ does something that I never expected, and I don't think the Pharisees expected. I think that the reason this passage stuck out to me as a child was because of what Jesus did. He knelt down, and He began writing on the ground with His finger. The Pharisees were annoyed, and they kept badgering him on what to do, so He tells them, "If any of you is without sin, let him be the first to throw a stone at her." (Bam! They just got Jesused.) Upon this remark, one by one the Pharisees all left Jesus with the adulteress. What Christ says to her is the verse I will leave you with below. Jesus did not condemn her. He is without sin, yet He didn't cast a single stone! Then, how much more should we who are sinful not be casting stones at those around us? Christ didn't condemn her. He loved her. He forgave her. I encourage you all to go out there and love on everyone. Accept each and everyone, because we all have our flaws. If we were truly able to accept each other despite our flaws, then the problems that we come across would have an easy solution. Model Christ's love to the lease of these.

"Jesus straightened up and asked her, 'Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?' 'No one, sir,' she said. 'Then neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. 'Go now and leave your life of sin.'"
-John 8:10-11 (NIV 1984)

"Then the King will say to those on His right, 'Come, you who are blessed by my Father;  take your inheritance, the kingdom prepared for you since the creation of the world. For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes, and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me.' Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?' The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'" 
-Matthew 25:34-40 (NIV 1984) 

Friday, May 18, 2012

Pastor and Pastoral Care in the Context of the New Generation Marthomites

Below, you will find my article which I submitted for the Mar Thoma Messenger, a couple of weeks back. Thirumeni asked for an article, and so I typed this up. Anyways, this is a vital topic in the Mar Thoma community today. As folks in the new generation, ask yourselves how you view your Ministers. Then, strive to work with any Achen to bring spiritual growth in the church.

In the Mar Thoma Church, we are greatly blessed with ministers that are handpicked by God. These are individuals that strive to be used as an instrument by God to touch the hearts of many, so that the many may experience Christ’s unfailing love and turn to Him. Within the new generation, many of us believe that these Achens probably do not understand us or cannot relate with us. We seemingly put them on a pedestal, but in reality, they are like us. They have gone through struggles, just like us. They have grown, just like us. They have dealt with temptation, just like us. Where their ministry and their life are right now is because that is where God has guided them to be a transformative mark upon the lives that they come across. That is why I believe that our Achens care so much. That is why every time an Achen leaves our church after spending approximately three years with us, we cannot help but shed a tear or wish they never had to leave. I often think of Christ’s ministry when an Achen is being transferred. Christ spent approximately three and a half years ministering here. After those three and a half years, were all the blind granted vision? Were all the deaf able to hear? Did all the dead rise up? No, but Christ led such an impactful ministry that changed the lives of His Apostles, and they in turn continued that ministry. Now, more than two thousand years later, the Gospel is still being spread. Similarly, an Achen’s ministry cannot simply flourish in one area, but rather be given an opportunity to be experienced elsewhere. That way, they can continue to spread the Gospel to every place that they are sent. Just as the Israelites were led by the pillar of cloud by day and the pillar of fire by night, so too are these ministers led until they can enter the Promised Land, which is Heaven.

As Achens come to a church, some have high aspirations for the new generation. They will fully support them and push them for great goals. Then, there are some Achens that come unsure of how to interact with the upcoming generation, but are too comfortable with the parents and elders of the church. Before their ministry finishes though, every Achen will have a deep fire for the youths, and they push us to great heights. They strive to get us involved, so that we can bring fresh ideas to the table. They realize that we are not simply the future of the church, but rather, the present. They pray for us unceasingly, so that we may take the reins of what our forefathers have built thus far. Ministry is not simply something that an Achen takes on, but rather, it is something that we as the people of God work together to achieve. As youths, we are not called to be passive but to be proactive under the direction of our Achens, thereby making a transformation in our lives, families, church, and community for the glory of God.

Hope you liked what you read. I encourage everyone to step up in any and every available facet with the resources given to you to bring a change within the church. We as parishioners are called to work with our ministers to bring the expansion of the Kingdom of God. We aren't called to keep Christ confined within the walls of the church, but the church is meant to go out into the world. I will leave you with a verse.

"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many."
-Mark 10:45  (ESV)

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Psalm 23:4

John Chrysostom once said, "No matter how just your words may be, you ruin everything when you speak with anger." I have to admit. God has given surmountable wisdom to these forefathers of Christianity. You just don't find people saying things like this anymore. My prayers are that it changes, and that the leaders of the Church will have words of powerful wisdom granted by the Spirit to guide the Church in the right direction.

In any case, this post is going to be a lot of venting. I know I shouldn't allow my anger to get the best of me, but I feel like there's been so much bottled up, and typing might just enable me to organize my thoughts and feelings properly.

Since my last post was in 2011, I feel it would only be right as to consider all the wonderful blessings that my God has provided me with in the past three months of this new year.

Well, the semester ended well for me, and Christmas break wasn't off to the best start, because I was really sick, but by God's grace, I was well enough in time for New Year Revival which was another spiritual uproar by the Holy Spirit. During that time, it was also my birthday, and although Revival kind of overshadowed my birthday, I wouldn't have had it any other way. Experiencing the Spirit of God was good enough for me! Another thing that happened on New Year's Eve was that we had a Diocesan Youth Fellowship General Body Conference Call in which I was elected as the new DYF Treasurer, because the previous treasurer was unable to complete her term. In one sense, I was excited to take this position, because it meant working with two guys that I saw not only as dear friends and mentors, but also as spiritual brothers, and our relationships continue to grow even to this day.

After Revival, I was busy packing for my road trip to Florida for the Diocesan Youth Fellowship Leadership Conference which was hosted by St. Mark's Mar Thoma Church in Tampa Bay, Florida. Justin, Patrick, and I drove down there. Ohh man! What a conference! If I have ever been crammed with Biblical teachings before, it does not compare to all that I learned at this conference which I praise God for. It was powerful, and I learned a lot. Not only that, I stayed with an amazing family, and I had some fantastic roommates with whom my conference growth continued even unto the night at the house. I also enjoyed meeting some great new people and reconnecting with several old and dear friends. Along with that, I also enjoyed my share of being bullied and bullying our youth chaplains. I don't think there are many others that I have a deeper sense of respect for as I do for these youth chaplains, but at the same time, I enjoy every waking moment I get making fun of them. It's kind of how my relationship with each of them really is.

The new semester began, and I enjoy all my classes! I have three counseling classes, and the lessons I've learned in there will continue with me forever! I mean, I don't think I have ever learned more life application lessons in school than I have in these three classes. I still work, and I have even begun volunteering at this elementary school twice a week. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, I go to this elementary school in Denton and volunteer with America Reads which is an awesome organization. I enjoy spending two hours with these little kids after school, helping them with homework, playing games, and just spending time with them. It really is the highlight of my weeks.

On Friday, February 17, 2012, my second sister and her husband was given the privilege to bring forth my beautiful princess niece named Chloe Thomas. Every weekend when I come home, I go by their apartment and spend some time with her. I love her so much! She is the most precious baby, and I really see the love of God through this gift that He has given us. My only prayer is that she continues to grow in the Lord, and that even though I can't always protect her, that He watch over her and enable her to realize the depth of our love for her and the depth of His love which is far greater.

Friday, March 9 to Sunday, March 11, 2012, St. Paul's Mar Thoma Church conducted our first family and youth retreat. It was such an amazing experience. It was a small group, but I saw the Spirit of God moving, and I experienced that familial feeling that I used to feel a long time ago. It was simply beautiful.

I guess, after recounting all my blessings I really don't have much to vent. It's funny how we think that all our troubles just seem to pile on, but we forget to stop and smell the roses, and realize God's loving guidance in our lives. All I know is, I'll always face criticism. I'll always experience being put down, disrespected, and hurt by people, not only in the church but outside. All I can say is, at the end of the day, I have faith that my God isn't going to simply question and hound me for the small mistakes, but He appreciates all that I have done in His name. I can't take credit for it though. I know that all glory goes to Him, because it was His hand working in me. I'm simply an instrument being used by Him in the proper manner.

Out of Paul's thirteen letters accounted for in the Bible, Philippians has some very powerful verses that really comes to my mind a lot. In Philippians 3:12-14, Paul says, "Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." These three verses really resonate with me, and as I sit here typing, I realize that I shouldn't hold onto what people have said, but rather move forward in the faith that Christ has called me to have.

On the other hand, it's what Building 429 sings in their song, "Where I Belong." They sing, "All I know is I'm not home yet. This is not where I belong. Take this world and give me Jesus. This is not where I belong." That's what my heart resorts to feeling whenever things are tough or I feel the burden of the world on my shoulders, but at the same time, I pray the same prayer Christ had prayed for His disciples. "My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." I don't pray to be taken away from the harsh reality of this world, but that He holds my hand walking alongside me through this reality.

I really do feel better now. I really can move forward with a much lighter heart.

 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me."
-Psalm 23:4 (NIV 1984)